Wednesday, June 3, 2020

10A- Elevator Pitch No.1

Elevator Pitch No. 1


  1. Kendall,
    I thought your elevator pitch was very professional and convincing of the need to bring specialty skills and coursework curriculum to high schools. This need was highlighted by the statistic mentioned in your pitch that 73% of construction firms were having a hard time filling positions for employment. Another great point you made about factors contributing to this employment gap is the increasing trend of high school graduates going on to 4 year universities. Overall, I was convinced by your elevator pitch that there is a need for high school courses and curriculum that expose students early on to trade and specialty craft type of employment.

  2. Kendall, I thought your elevator pitch was very effective in demonstrating who, what, and why and I like how your idea has taken form. I appreciated how professional you came across and the words you selected. Your tone and word choice made the pitch more personalized and sincere. You definitely convinced me to support your program. I think you did a great job!

  3. Kendall,
    Your elevator pitch was very informative and effective in getting your idea across. You were able to hit on many points such as what your idea was, who it was for, and why it was needed. The construction statistic was also very effective in explaining how much of an impact your opportunity would have if it was implemented. Finally, I applaud how you tied in your pitch to how it could combat the problems we are currently facing as a nation: unemployment.

  4. Kendall,
    I found your use of statistics convincing for your idea. I also like that you highlighted the trades classes could expose students to this type of work. It could be a great alternative for students who may not feel like a university degree is for them. I think you come of as professional in the video, although a little nervous. I struggled with my elevator pitch and do not know if I will ever be comfortable filming and watching myself. But you were able to come off as professional while you delivered your message. Great job!
