Friday, June 19, 2020

16A- What's Your Secret Sauce?

What I think makes me different...
1) Emotional Intelligence- I have always been extremely intuitive and can read the environment around me very well. I have always thought this was a special trait and it has come in very handy over the years when I have had to adapt to different situations.
2) Analytical- I have always loved problem-solving and prefer math classes over writing classes. I love doing puzzle games on my phone and like to gather information and understand the small pieces that make the big picture.
3) Organized- I like to have my days planned out and enjoy having my items organized and put together in a practical and efficient order. I also have good time-management skills and have everything I need on me at all times.
4) Hard-working- I have always been a hard-worker and will put 100% effort into something I decide to do. I always strive for good grades and try to find ways to better myself and others by having a good work ethic.
5) Creative- I love art and reading different books and getting absorbed in all different types of cultures. I enjoy drawing different things and imagining scenarios. I am always open to learning new knowledge and methods of doing things.

What others think make me different...
Interview #1
I asked my mother what makes me different and she mentioned how I am very goal-driven and always follow through with my task. She also mentioned how I am very insightful and quite observant of the people around me. 
Interview #2  
My friend Madi mentions how I bring my knowledge and social capability to bring people together. She also said that I bring passion to everything I set my mind to. 
Interview #3 
Chris mentions how I am extremely driven and have always been a hard worker. He thinks my open mind allows me to view different scenarios from a variety of perspectives. 
Interview #4 
Vinny said that once I focus on a task I will put a 100% effort toward it until it is done. He mentions how I think outside the box and complete tasks efficiently. 
Interview #5 
Katy says that I am a very charismatic and caring person who is easy to talk to. She also said that I have a creative viewpoint when it comes to solving problems.


I was surprised to see that most of the people I interviewed saw me the same way I saw myself. The only difference I noticed was my social ability to bring people together. I think this difference is because I can't see myself in social interactions the way my peers do. I agree with what my interviewees said about me because they are very similar to what I said about myself. Most of the people I talked to also said I was a hard-worker. I think this is because I have always been driven and love making sure that I put all my effort into everything I do. I wouldn't make any changes to my list because I think it is very accurate. 

Monday, June 8, 2020

15A- Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No.2

I decided to interview three people who live in my neighborhood and our zoned for my former high school. They happened to all be graduates or planning on attending there next year. I ended up interviewing them all individually and found out some good information that will help further my opportunity on integrating trade and skill classes back in high schools. 

I asked each of them their thoughts on having these classes implemented into our High School and they all for the most part thought it was a great idea. A recent graduate from there is attending a trade school locally this summer and she wishes that she had this exposure prior to graduating. Prior to this summer she would save up and spend her own money on tools that she could practice with and use. She has learned from herself that she prefers quality products over the price of products. Especially when it comes to skills and trades you need to have the right quality tools to do a quality job. The other girl I interviewed will be starting at Winter Park High School next Fall and she stated how she has never been exposed to these types of classes but would enjoy that opportunity while she is in school. She emphasized how she would never personally spend money on these services or products but believes that it would be useful and effective to have them at our High School. The last person I interviewed was a rising Senior who is in the running to be Valedictorian of his graduating class. He said that there are many segments that he looks for when buying a product. He also believes, like the first girl I interviewed, that he prefers to pay a higher price if it means better quality.

My main target segment is our generation and the ones younger than us which are very in tune with the technology movement of our decade. They all agreed that they shop online more than they do in person and prefer this method because it is quicker and more efficient. Although, the service I am offering would have to be in person which they also agreed if it was provided for them in the classroom they would take advantage of it. They also prefer using cash at hand rather than financing since they are so young and have a limited income. They agreed that they prefer buying products online but enjoy services in person better because it provides better quality and they feel they learn more by engaging physically.

What helps customers be confident with their decision of a purchase has to deal with the outcome they get when they use it. The people I interviewed agreed that they would feel bad about a purchase if it didn't live up to their expectations or was a worse quality than expected. They also agreed that having these skills and trade classes in school would help students get real life experience handling tools and enhance their perspective and knowledge of these opportunities. 

The people I interviewed all had similar views of preferring a high quality product over a cheaper version. Based on these interviews I would say that my opportunity still exist and that there is a need for these classes to be taught in High School for students to get the best quality service. I also learned from this segment that technology is a main aspect of a buyer's decision and that buying online is just going to become even more popular than before. This being said, I believe there is even more of a need for these classes to be in person because I don't believe you can learn these skills and trades as effectively if taught online. Also, most aspects of a business are moving online which will widen the gap even more of the need for trade workers in the economy. I think the best way for my customer's needs to be met is to have classes with skilled teachers who provide hands on teaching for students in school.

14A- Halfway Reflection

halfway point yesss - Success Kid | Meme Generator

1) Tenaciousness is a competency. What are the behaviors that you have used (or developed) to keep up with the requirements of this course? 

I would say that my main behavior that has allowed me to keep up with the requirements of this class would be my time-management. I have made myself a different schedule of due dates than what is posted so I know that I can stay ahead and have plenty of time to complete assignments. Since there are a lot of assignments due on the same day I typically try to do one assignment a day so that I can space out how much work I have at one time.

2) Tenaciousness is also about attitude. Talk about a moment or two when you felt like "giving up." What pulled you through? Do you feel like you've developed a tenacious attitude during the past two months? What experience or experiences most contributed to this?

I originally was going to take this class this upcoming Fall but my schedule got messed up so I quickly had to make the decision to take this class this summer 2 days before registration ended. At first I was very nervous about my workload because I also have an internship this summer which occupies most of my days. After seeing the way the course works I was nervous and felt like giving up because all the assignments are due Monday and Friday during the times I am working. I sat down and planned out my schedule for the summer and created a calendar which allowed me to make time to sit down and complete the assignments for this class. I feel like I have definitely developed a tenacious attitude over the past two months because I have had to adapt and figure out an effective work schedule that will allow me to do my best in this class and at my internship. I think being a full-time worker and taking classes has given me the experience that have contributed to this work-ethic.

3) Three tips. What are three tips you would offer next semester's student about (1) fostering the skills that support tenacity and (2) developing the 'tenacious mindset' ?

1. Plan ahead! This course has many assignments due weekly and it is important to plan ahead your schedule so you don't miss any. I would recommend putting aside time each day to complete one assignment so you are not overwhelmed the day they are all due.

2. Get creative! This class is made to help you explore opportunities around you that you may have never seen before. You get the most of what you put into this class and I would look at each assignment for what it is and not think of it as just a deadline required for the class.

3. Watch the lectures! Each week there is a cupcake quiz which has questions directly from the weekly lectures. The quizzes may seem minuscule but it makes up 10% of your grade which could hinder you from getting the letter grade you want. The lectures are also interesting and the professor uses a lot of real life examples to help get points across.  

Thursday, June 4, 2020

13A- Reading Reflection No.1

Steve Jobs: Isaacson, Walter: 9781501127625: Books

What surprised you the most? 
I think what surprised me most about Steve Jobs was his childhood. I never knew he was adopted and I thought it was very cool to hear that his birth mom insisted of him going to college which I found ironic since he dropped out. I also thought his Zen lifestyle and the fact he rarely wore shoes or showered was surprising to here because when I thought of Steve Jobs I envisioned a very put together and professional man. I also thought it was surprising that he experimented with LSD and had a very spiritual outlook on life.
What about the entrepreneur did you most admire?
I think what I admired most about Steve Job's is his dedication and passion for creating technology that appeals to the masses of people. He never strayed from his vision of sleek and simple design that catches the eye of people and he was very persistent that everything looked clean and modern. His philosophy for design was created around the saying "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication". 
What about the entrepreneur did you least admire?
I least admired about Steve Job's was his temperamental and bratty personality that took over time to time. Many people he worked with witnessed him yelling and screaming that their work was crap even when he didn't even know what they were working on. He was known to cry and throw a fit when things didn't go his way. I also least admired his belief that his vegetarian diet was enough to not wear deodorant. His co-workers could barely stand the smell of him and constantly tried to get him to go home and take a shower.
Did the entrepreneur encounter adversity and failure? If so, what did they do about it?
This company originally started in Job's family garage with only him and his partner Wozniak. They went through a lot of trouble trying to find the funding to buy all the parts for the assembly of making a computer. One thing Job's was great at was being persistent and convincing to potential investors and sometimes refusing to leave them alone until they agreed. They also had trouble figuring out who would be doing what and his partner had a hard time leaving his other job to invest fully in Apple. Both guys also realized they had to hire someone to teach them how to run a business and how to market their product. They definitely went through plenty of trial and error trying to figure out how their product would work and be designed. Job's also had to get over the idea that he would'n't be fully in charge of the company and that he needed help to make it the success he wanted.
What competencies did you notice that the entrepreneur exhibited?
I noticed many competencies that Job's exhibited including his charismatic nature, dedication, intuition, and that he is extremely creative. He does a great job of representing someone who is in between the art and technology spectrum. He also is very manipulative and knows how to bend a situation in his favor. While in school he was always bored in classes and would pull pranks with his friends. Wozniak and him invented the first digital version of Blue Box and would prank call the Vatican as Henry Kissinger trying to reach the Pope. I think Job's creativity and vision is the reason why he became so successful and his playful banter and pranks were just the beginning of his dynasty which is now known as Apple. 
Identify at least one part of the reading that was confusing to you.
I think the most confusing part of the reading was the technology vocab and explanations they talked about when building their first computer. I had to reread some paragraphs to identify the different parts they used and how much each of them cost and what type of elements they were going to have to buy in bulk. I never knew how much programming and coding went into this company and that definitely was the hardest part to understand in the reading.
If you were able to ask two questions to the entrepreneur, what would you ask? Why?
1) Did you ever imagine that your first invention would turn into a handheld computer that the majority of the world operates on? I ask this because I know that Job's wanted to make something useful and effective with the masses of people. His intentions weren't to be the most profitable industry or the most popular but to create something simple and sleek that would be useful to a great majority of the population.
2) Are you happy with the way your company is today or would you change it? I asked this because Job's always had a vision and was particular with his product and layout of his company. If he was alive today I wonder if he would agree with the way the company is running and the products that are being sold or if he would have changed the design or system of the new products. 
What do you think the entrepreneur's opinion was of hard work? Do you share that opinion?
I think Job's really values a hard worker. He was always making something and thinking about what he could be doing next. I think his emphasis on simplicity helped him live a happier life and I also would love to live by this lifestyle as well. I think his ambition comes from doing something he loves which make working seem a lot less like work. I believe that doing what you love would allow yourself to be an even better worker and I want to love the job I do which he obviously did. 

12A- Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No.1

The Future of Construction Depends on High School Students

Target Segment: 

For this assignment I chose to pick recently graduating high school students which I had the opportunity to interview in person because they are my sister's friends. I chose recent graduates because they were the most familiar people in the environment which is where my service of trade and skill classes would be implemented. I also chose this target of people because they are the youngest generation entering the real world and could have a different perspective than adults.

Summary of Interviews: 

Most of the students I interviewed thought that this would a great opportunity that they wish they had when they were in high school. One of the girls brought up a good point about how she usually will just YouTube how to videos when she is building or creating something at home but would prefer lessons in person. I agreed that this is a good solution and that most kids these days are technologically advance compared to their parents and have learned to utilize the resources accessible to them. The awareness was similar with the other person I interviewed and she stated how she would of enjoyed these option in high school and would love to be hands on and learn practical skills instead of sitting in a classroom desk all day. She also mentioned that her good friend has no interest in college and is taking a year off in school and that she would of definitely benefited from learning these practical skills and that maybe it could lead her to a potential career. The last person I interviewed stated that even though she has no interest in bringing these skills into her career she still would have enjoyed learning these skills for her personal benefit like changing her own car tire and learning how to use power tools that she has never had exposure to. They all agreed that these skills are important and that every person should get the opportunity to learn them.

Conclusion of Interviews: 

Overall the people I interviewed agreed that they would have enjoyed to have trade and skill classes implemented back into high school. They agreed that it is valuable and important for our community to have the option and access to learn these skills. I know with technology there are more solutions and ways to learn new things but I think learning in person and having hands on interaction is very important in the growth and knowledge of students. I think interviewing the younger generation was a great choice because they are the ones who are entering the workforce and the next generation of parents who will see how important this opportunity is. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

11A- Idea Napkin No.1

1) You:
 My name is Kendall Joseph and I am a rising senior at the University of Florida studying Information Systems. I would consider myself a creative and crafty person always looking to do something around the house. I have always been good around kids and would love to one day own my own company that teaches kids trades and skills that they will keep for the rest of their lives. My aspirations include helping people to better themselves and making their lives easier. One reason I went the Information Systems route was to get better skilled at technology and programs that will help make people's live easier and more efficient. I think everyone needs to follow their passion or find some aspect of it that you could incorporate in your career.

2) What are you offering to customers?: 
My product/service would ideally be implemented back into high schools so that students get the access and exposure as a part of their curriculum. I believe having electives like wood shop and mechanics would be a great opportunity for students to learn these skills that they probably would never teach themselves. I understand the reason most high schools don't have these classes is due to budget cuts. I think school's should make these classes as a priority when choosing what to use because the employment need for trade workers has gone up significantly. Understanding that budget cuts can't be fixed easily, I think having these classes as a club option after school would also be a great alternative for students to participate.

3) Who are you offering it to?: 
My ideal customers of this service would be to all students in high schools. I think this could really benefit everyone to learn new skills and trades that could be useful throughout their lifetime. For example, students who can't afford to go to college could get the opportunity to learn about other career options they could do after graduating like going to trade school. Many students are never exposed to these options and don't see the opportunity of success they could do if they choose that path. I also think this would interest students who are not academically gifted or who have never liked school. I think they could utilize these classes to learn new skills and trades that they could follow through with in the future. I think it is our duty as society to allow students to get exposure to all type of job fields that fill our economy.

4) Why do they care?:
I believe many students would be willing to sign up for these classes at school. I think it is healthy for kids to get take a break from lectures and get some hand on activities instead of sitting in a desk all day. I also would have wanted these options when I went to high school and would love to have had these classes in my schedule that I could look forward to.

5) What are your core competencies?:
I think one of my core competencies is that I am emotionally intelligent and can read my surroundings very well. I think I would do well in a teaching environment because I can understand and help kids with their problems and find the best solution to fix it. I am also a hard worker who is dedicated to anything I set my mind to and I know I would give this program all my effort. I am also very patient and understanding which I feel is ideal characteristics to have when working with kids. My mother is an elementary school teacher and I have observed and learned from her about how to handle students in all different types of environments.

I think all these elements fit well with each other. I definitely have a weakness when it comes to finding funds for this to happen but I believe with my work ethic I could find a solution. I think my passion for this project will allow it progress to where I want it to go and I think people will agree that this is good idea to implement in high schools. I think my personality really fits well with this idea and I am passionate about getting students the exposure to these types of trades and skills which will help our society as a whole by starting with the next generation of workers.

10A- Elevator Pitch No.1

Elevator Pitch No. 1

Monday, June 1, 2020

9A- Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

Learn trade skills, online.

My previous hypothesis testing was about the opportunity of implementing skill and trade classes into high schools. Many students never get the opportunity to learn essential trade and skills that are useful and utilized in the future. I am going to broaden my horizon during this exercise post as I identify the customers that lie outside this opportunity boundary.

Who: There are many businesses and people that do not have any interest or need to learn skills and trades because of what they do. For example, people like bankers and teachers don't need these skills to get their job done sufficiently.

What: I think the point of where these trade and skills taught in school differ from other needs like handling a bulldozer or other dangerous machinery that requires further schooling or licensing. I think the desire to learn these skills differs from developing a career vs finding a hobby that is useful and fun.

Why: I think the underlying cause of the outsider's needs differing from the inside is the person's interest and hobbies depending on what they like to do. 

Interview #1: I interviewed my boss who is a financial advisor. He explicitly stated how he was never interested in learning these skills when he was younger and even had the opportunity to explore them when he was back in high school. He does believe that it is a good opportunity for some people but it was never for him.
Interview #2: I interviewed my sister who is very materialistic and loves shopping. She said that she would never be interested in this option and would pay someone to do that stuff for her.
Interview #3: I interviewed my roommate who is a psych major and she said that although she is crafty and hand on she prefers teaching herself these trades and has her own tools to do so.
Interview #4: I also got to interview my boyfriend's father who said that although these trades are useful that many of his employers have to go through similar training regardless so he doesn't see the need for it.
Interview #5: The last person I interviewed was my neighbor who is very outdoor person who loves to fish. He said that although he fits the type he has never really been interested in learning new trades and doesn't think he would enjoy these classes while he was in high school. 

 Inside the Boundary Outside the Boundary
 Who is in?      
- people interested in learning new trades and skills
- people who want an alternative to going to college 
- people who want the exposure to learning new skills 
Who is not?

people who have no desire to learn new skills
- people who don't have the interest or need to want to learn trades and skills
-people financially independent to hire people to do these skills for them
 What the need is

opportunity to learn new trades and skills while in high school that are useful and essential to the economy and businesses
 What the need is not

it is not essential to those with no interest in learning these tools and or have access to these tools and/or have the money to financially afford someone to do the job for them

 Why the need exist

-many students don't have the access or exposure to learn new trades and skills that could be very interesting to them and help them develop a career path
 Alternative Explanations

many students have no desire to learn new trades and skills and already have an idea of what their career path will be and know that these skills won't be important to them or utilized in the future