Tuesday, May 26, 2020

5A- Identifying Local Opportunities

1) Coronavirus derails Sunrail plans for local control
The Sunrail had original plans to expand its operation to DeBary but Coronavirus has withheld those plans. With budget cuts, the city has to find a new way to pay for this public transportation and find a way to regain its popularity. During this pandemic, it will be hard to market public transportation because many people are still wary about traveling in close vicinity to other people in public. For the past six years, Sunrail has grown in the number of rides and locations that people can choose from. The problem is on the city and how they are going to fund and get the Sunrail back up on its feet. Many other public transportation like the Lynx bus have had similar problems due to COVID-19. Not only does this affect the Sunrail business but it also its many customers that relied on its service to go to and from work every day. I really hope the new election in 2022 will allow the commission for the Sunrail to expand and start its operations normally again.

2) With their labs closed, UCF researchers focus on Coronavirus projects
I found this article interesting to read. I think it amazing what scientist are doing to try and prevent Coronavirus during their time off of their other research projects. This article focuses on a UCF researcher, Dr. Kinzel who is spending his time trying to come up with a solution to thicken saliva so it doesn't travel as far and infect as many people. The article mentioned how at UCF there is over 25 projects going on focusing on COVID-19 at their College of Medicine. The article also mentions how they are studying the affects of social distances and staying at home and how it has impacted people. I think this study will be very beneficial to everyone that has been impacted from this pandemic. I am glad to read about how people are going out of their way to find solutions to help the community.

3) Florida coronavirus case total approaches 52k, death toll hits 2252
Coronavirus has gone up to 5279 cases this last week which is more than our states previous weeks. Florida's death toll has also increased and this week had 264 deaths. They mentioned an 83 year old lady who has not traveled once during this pandemic has recently passed from being exposed to it. The article also included a graph that tracks the death tolls in all 50 states. I was surprised to see that our nations cases has hit 1.6 million and will continue to rise. I think this article did a great job of highlighting the recent updates on COVID-19 not only in Florida but the rest of the world. At the end of the article they give us a link to a site that list the symptoms of COVID-19. I think it was also really cool of the article to include a list of ways to protect yourself. I think this problem has affected everyone living in Florida. Shop owners and other attractions have been delayed and capacity size is 25% in public places which will hopefully help small business and people get back to their regular lifestyle.

4) Pandemic Portraits: Orlando's frontline workers still show up 
This article focuses on our local heroes who are still showing up to work despite this pandemic. They have been working tirelessly to make sure our city doesn't go hungry and that we can stay safe and healthy. The article interviewed many essential workers which summarized what they are doing to provide us with everything we need. One worker they interviewed was a Mail man who emphasized how important mail is during this time with lots of people unemployed and relying on their stimulus check and or medicine they need while in quarantine. I was happy to read that these people like nurses, teachers, and police officers are finally getting the recognition they deserve and a chance to express themselves. These people are local heroes and we could not function as a society without them. Thank you all for everything you do.

5) Where to find free meals in South Florida during the coronavirus pandemic
Due to this pandemic many organizations like Broward and Palm beach county Public schools are making an effort to feed families for free. Their main concern is making sure that no one goes to bed hungry. I thought this was a very useful article and was glad to see that so many organizations took apart of this trend to help people in need. The article goes on to list many organizations that are giving out free meals and their details and location. Some organizations include, Central Broward Regional Park, Coral Squares Mall, Holy Mackerel Brewery, Launderhill Sports Park, and Pollo Tropical. Many families are in need to put food on the table and with COVID-19 some families need some help to do that because of unemployment. I think these times have brought us much closer as a community and it is exciting to see everyone work together not just for profit but for the greater good. 


  1. Kendall, your post was well written and I enjoyed reading about the opportunities in your community during these trying times. The last article you selected was especially inspiring, as food insecurity is a widespread issue. I always feel like people view food insecurity as something that happens in third world nations and don't realize that everyday families in the U.S. struggle to put food on the table.

  2. Hello Kendall, right now the Pandemic is a great place to start with identifying opportunities. Your opportunities reveled that Covid-19 has affected all industries. This has been an unimageable experience that we truly weren’t prepared for. Essentials workers having to sacrifice their well-being. The innocent lives taken by the virus. The families who are not able to feed their children. I am impressed on how you took advantage of the Pandemic for your assignment. Awesome job!
