At the beginning of COVID 19 all families were in a rush to stock up on toilet paper and hand sanitizer and many other families like mine were left without any supplies.
Why? This pandemic was very scary and new, and many people did not know what to expect so they were looking out for themselves to make sure that they had enough supplies without thinking about the rest of the population going through the same thing.
My neighbor always parks his truck right in front of our house instead of his garage and when the street cleaner comes, that spot on our street never gets clean.
Why? My neighbor is an active fisherman who prioritizes his garage and driveway for his boat and trailer without caring that his truck is always in our space.
If my whole family takes a shower before me there isn’t enough hot water for me to have a pleasant shower.
Why? For some reason, my family thinks the best time to shower is right before I come home from work because that is a typical time to shower and they don’t think about how that is my only prime time to shower.
Hot dogs come in a pack of 6 but hot dog buns come in a pack of 8 so we always waste 2 hot dog buns.
Why? Hot dog buns are cheaper to make than hot dogs themselves so they can make more of a profit by increasing the number of buns in a pack because they know that it is a necessity when making hot dogs.
The Starbucks line in the morning before work is always excessively long but I need my coffee in the morning and waste an extra 20 minutes in the morning to get it.
Why? Starbucks is the most common coffee brand and many people like me have the same idea of wanting that every morning and prioritize buying instead of making coffee even though we give up time and money to get it.
My dog always barks in the morning when my mom leaves so, she gives her a treat which stops the barking for only 1 minute and once she leaves for work my dog will continue to bark while I am trying to sleep.
Why? My mom thinks that giving her a treat will make her stop barking but, I think my dog has learned that if she barks in the morning, she will get a treat.
Chick-fil-a breakfast ends at 10:30 instead of going all day.
Why? Chick-fil-a already has an edge on their competitors like McDonalds and Burger King and they don’t see a need to keep breakfast all day like other fast food restaurants because their food is always in popular demand regardless of their delicious breakfast.
Buying a plane ticket for cheap but then realizing all the extra fees make it so at the end you really didn’t get a deal at all.
Why? This promotes business because when people see cheaper flights, they are more willing to travel. Once you buy the ticket you are more likely to keep it because of the travel plans you made even though you end up paying way more than expected.
My cat wants the most attention while I am sleeping.
Why? Cats are naturally nocturnal, so we have different sleeping schedules which interfere with my sleeping in.
My iPhone immediately becomes slower and has more glitches right after a new iPhone comes out.
Why? Apple is a genius and wants you to keep buying their new expensive phones even though you bought the newest generation 2 years ago for $1000.
Many of my core classes at UF have just consisted of three exams for the whole semester. This has always bothered me because some people are not the best test takers and you have no other assignments to show otherwise.
Why? I think this is because they are weed out classes that want to make sure you know everything, but I think there are better ways of doing this. I also believe it makes the professors life a lot easier only having to grade three assignments per student the whole semester.
When buying a nice bathing suit, they come in separate pieces, top and bottom, so you must buy both to have just one outfit.
Why? They advertise it smart so when you are looking at just the top piece you see the whole set which makes you want both. They also make the price of just the top piece looks like it would be for both, so they trick you into buying both.
The radio channels always seem to be playing ads at the same time.
Why? They know what time that people are listening to the radio the most like rush hour, so they choose to place their advertisements during those times.
My Bluetooth headphones always hook up to my phone when I am trying to hook them up to my laptop.
Why? I mostly use these headphones for my phone, so my Bluetooth is used to connecting to my phone first because I forget to turn off Bluetooth.
Going to the DMV is always at least a two-hour experience.
Why? The DMV is used for many different services which almost everyone I know has gone to one at least once. I also think the workers are in no rush to get through people since there is a constant line no matter what.
My cat chooses to play with my hair tie instead of the many cat toys I have bought for her.
Why? Cats are easily entertained and can find a toy with anything. Suppliers of cat toys make the toys so cute and fun that cat owners want to spoil their cat even though the cat would be content with just about anything.
My boyfriend sleeping peacefully and sleeping in while I must get up early and go to work.
Why? His internship got cancelled due to COVID 19, so he has become a night owl playing video games while I must get back into a routine which is very hard.
People who litter on purpose.
Why? They just want the trash out of their hands at that moment and are lazy and have no regard for the environment and how it effects the planet.
People who cut in front of you at music festivals because “their whole group is up there” and they end up just standing alone 10 feet in front of you.
Why? They are being selfish and want to get as close to the stage as possible even if it means pushing and shoving your way up through all the people just trying to enjoy the concert.
When people go in the 10 item or fewer grocery line with more than 10 items.
Why? They still have fewer items than a normal shopping trip and don’t want to waste their time waiting in a long line with people who have 50 items.
My jeans are always too short on me.
Why? I am a 5’10 girl with long legs and most companies make jeans that fit more average sized females because that is more of the popular demand.
Reflection: This assignment was a bit more difficult than I thought because every time I see something that bugs me it doesn’t stay in my memory that long and I forget. I tried to pick bugs that were related to me and my personal experience. After thinking of 10 the last 10 for some reason came very easily to me and I had way more examples come to mind right after I finished the 20th. I thought this assignment was a great way to critically think of why this stuff bothers me and the reason it happens. I get why entrepreneurs must think this way because without knowing the root of the problem there is no way to fix it.